History of Solar Energy
The history of solar energy dates back to ancient times. Ancient literature mentions the use of solar energy to build buildings and other large structures. It was also common in the Middle Ages to use windows with opaque glass to allow sunlight to enter buildings for heating.
However, the use of solar energy as a usable energy source began in the 20th century. In 1839, photovoltaics, a physical effect that shows how sunlight is converted into electricity, was discovered. In 1883, Charles Friedrich, a German inventor, built the first solar power plant, which was used to heat water on a farm in Spain.
In the following decades, research and development in the field of solar energy continued, and in 1954, two Belgian researchers named Charles and Sophie Picard built the first solar cell with an efficiency of 6%. Today, with the advancement of technology, the efficiency of solar cells has reached more than 20%, and solar energy is known as one of the most popular renewable energy sources in the world.
What is solar energy?
Solar energy is energy that reaches the earth from sunlight and can be used to generate electricity, heat water and air, produce hydrogen, and other energy applications. This type of energy is one of the renewable energy sources that is produced sustainably and continuously during the day through sunlight and does not cause any pollution or damage to the environment.
The use of solar energy has been expanding rapidly in recent years due to its environmental, economic, and security benefits, and many countries are investing in this field.
In fact, solar energy is the radiation and heat from the sun that is used and exploited using a variety of new technologies. In other words, solar energy is the energy from the sun that is converted into thermal or electrical energy. This energy source is known as the cleanest and most abundant renewable energy source and is used today for various purposes such as electricity generation, lighting, water heating, etc.
Applications of Solar Energy
Solar energy is one of the most popular renewable energy sources in the world. Its applications are very diverse and include the following:
1. Electricity generation: Solar energy can be used as the main source for electricity generation in different areas. In solar power plants, solar panels are used to absorb sunlight and generate electricity.
2. Water heating: Solar panels can be used to heat water in bathrooms, swimming pools, and home heating systems.
3. Hydrogen production: Solar energy can be used to produce hydrogen. In this process, solar energy is used to separate hydrogen from water.
4. Clean energy: Solar energy is very clean and renewable and has a lower environmental impact compared to other energy sources.
5. Help reduce greenhouse gas emissions: Using solar energy helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions and thus helps protect the environment.
Applications of solar equipment
Solar ventilation fans: These fans use a small panel with photoelectric cells and are suitable for keeping garages, sheds, dog kennels or chicken coops cool, etc.
Solar water heating: In this system, heating devices or solar water heaters use cells installed on the roof to absorb the sun’s heat and transfer it to the water tank, heating the water inside houses and pools.
Solar water heaters: There are generally two types of solar systems to replace water heaters. In the first type, mechanical circulation pumps are used to transfer water or other liquids from heat collector panels on the roof to a storage tank. In the second type, solar water heaters do not have a mechanical pump and use the natural property of heat increase and are cheaper than the first type.
Solar electricity and solar lamps, solar heating, heating homes and living spaces with solar energy, solar chargers, using portable solar chargers to charge cell phone and tablet batteries
Solar transportation: Using solar-powered transportation such as solar boats and solar panels to air-condition and cool the interior of a car
Solar cooking: Using a solar cooker and a container covered with foil or other shiny material to focus the sun’s rays on a point.
Agriculture: Optimizing plant growth, pumping water, drying crops and poultry manure, converting sunlight into heat in greenhouses and allowing plants to grow indoors all year round
Architecture: Building houses so that enough sunlight and heat from the sun reaches the interior of the building.
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